Pride In The Tiger Foundation

Our Impact

Pride in the Tiger Foundation seeks to continue its mission of providing opportunities for kids through Teacher Impact Grants and Scholarships.

apple on desk

Teacher Impact Grant

Teacher Impact Grants are awarded to educators in all of Marshall’s K-12 public and private schools. Grants are offered in October and March to applicants who seek financial support for objectives that enhance the learning of Marshall’s students.

These funds are made available through unrestricted donations made by alumni, community members, local organizations, and through our fundraising efforts our business sponsors who advertise in the Marshall High School gymnasium.

Over the past 5 years, Pride in the Tiger Foundation has awarded over $300,000 in grants to Marshall’s public and private schools.


Before the establishment of the foundation, generous donors had the foresight to create scholarships for students in Marshall. Since 1999, the foundation has been giving scholarships annually to graduating seniors using endowed funds and through annual scholarship designations. A total of over $750,000 has been awarded in scholarships over the past 5 years.

Hall Of Honor Inductees

Hall of Honor

Recognizing the impact many have on the success of the foundation; we started the Pride in the Tiger Foundation Hall of Honor in 2000. Since then, nearly 50 Marshall community members, faculty, and alumni have been inducted into the Hall of Honor to recognize their contribution to the success of our schools.


Marshall High School

400 Tiger Drive

Marshall MN 56258

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