Pride In the Tiger Foundation


We share a passion for the Marshall community and providing opportunities for kids who attend Marshall’s schools.

Pride in the Tiger Foundation
Established In 1999

Pride in the Tiger

Foundation History

The Pride in the Tiger Foundation was established in 1999 to raise scholarship dollars for graduating Marshall High School seniors and to financially support worthwhile programs and initiatives in Marshall’s public and private schools.

We award grants to teachers in Marshall’s K-12 public and private schools through a competitive grant process twice a year. A total of over $300,000 has been awarded through grants in the past 5 years!

Each year, the Foundation awards scholarships to graduating Marshall High School seniors. These scholarships are comprised of annual and endowed funds made possible by generous donors.

Over the past 5 years, Pride in the Tiger Foundation has awarded over $760,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors.

Our Mission

To provide financial and other support to activities and extraordinary educational programs supporting our children’s personal growth and development in their pursuit of excellence.

The objectives of the Foundation to achieve their mission include: (a) raising funds to support excellence in education; (b) allocating the foundation's resources to fund educational areas of greatest need, including scholarship, and; (c) informing alumni and friends of the educational programs offered as part of all Marshall's schools.

Want to make a donation?

Make a lasting difference in the lives of Marshall Area Students and consider donating to the Pride in the Tiger foundation today!

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Pride in the Tiger Foundation

400 Tiger Drive

Marshall, MN, 56258

Donate Online

Make a secure online donation using PayPal of any amount, of your choosing.

Day to day operations for the foundation are handled by our Executive Director, Krista Bjella.


Executive Director, Krista Bjella, graduated from Southwest State University (now SMSU) with a Bachelor of Science degree in education and holds a Master of Arts degree in counseling from the University of North Dakota.  She and her husband Brian have been part of the Marshall community for 32 years.  They love the strong sense of community, that is shown through the kindness and generosity of so many in Marshall. Their two daughters, Aubrey, a student at Concordia College, and Morgan, a senior at Marshall High School, have benefitted from the strong academic and activity offerings in Marshall.  The Bjella’s appreciate the collaboration that happens between the schools, the college, the city, and the business community that provides so much for families!

Krista joined Pride in the Tiger Foundation in September of 2021 after spending 10 years at Marshall Public Schools as a teacher and a school counselor.  Prior to that she worked as the Director of Marketing at U.S. Bank Office Equipment Finance and Grandview Financial.  “Working with Pride in the Tiger foundation has allowed me to combine my experience in marketing with my passion for supporting education.  I have been able to benefit from Pride in the Tiger Foundation’s generosity through their teacher impact grants and my daughter was a scholarship recipient. I have seen how impactful these grants along with the scholarships they facilitate are to the schools and students in our community. I am so excited to be a part of the Foundation and its mission of supporting excellence in our schools and the future education of our kids!” - Krista Bjella

Board of Directors

Pride in the Tiger Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with a volunteer board of directors comprised of 12-15 community leaders. Members share a passion for the Marshall community and providing opportunities for kids who attend Marshall’s schools.

Carl Johnson


Bruce Lamprecht

Vice President

Michelle Castor


Robin Bednarek


Brent Snodgrass

Past President

Tracy Deutz

Dr. Marah Hoffman

Jim Tate

Marc Craigmile

Shay Vandendriessche

Matt Felton

Lauren Deutz

Matt Suby


Marshall High School

400 Tiger Drive

Marshall MN 56258

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